Sunday, January 24, 2010


Memories are the only remains of our past and the indications to our future… the thoughts which will make us ponder and wonder about what we were… what we are … and what we will be ….
Life is a book and memories are the pages… as we move forward with time… never forget about the page from where we started … each page has its significance… let us not try to tear it off our life but learn and remember the essence of it. They make us happy… sad… free… they are the source of our wisdom …some call it experience and some negligence …at the end they are all just memories. One can afford to be a closed book to others but cant to one-self… once in a while just go thru these memories and be surprised how much we change with time.
I have seen both the apex and abyss of my life and when I read back my own book of life, I’m just astonished to see how much I have changed with the sine wave of my life. Ups and downs are part of everyone’s life but the way we look at them will make what we are now.
As someone rightly said … Time is like the water in the stream … we can never touch the same water again… once flown...Flown forever…. But we have a gift called memory… we might not capture the time but we surely can capture the moments in our memory, provided we enjoy every moment and make the most of it… life is never short…it’s we who make it short…
When I imagined my life without memories… like the Alzheimer’s disease which I actually thought was an interesting disease but later realized how wrong I was. Being a stranger in the mirror and alien to myself everyday is something I dare not become. That is when I have realized how important are those memories and how wonderful is every moment.
I want to be a multi millionaire not in terms of money but I want to have multimillion wonderful memories in life… that is what makes life worth living!